This is a webquest that I created that walks children through an entire lesson on how clouds are formed and the various types of clouds that we might see in the sky. The lesson involves the children doing research on interactive websites and conducting an experiment to explore cloud formation.
Here is a kid-friendly website for children to explore. It is a great resource for children to conduct research, or just discover new science topics. The National Geographic is a highly accredited source and is adapted very well for children. The site also contains current news that is related to science or history but in kid-friendly terms and high quality photos.
The “Tell Me” section from the Discovery Kids website includes subjects that many children seem to be naturally curious about. This website contains a list of various categories and more specific subcategories that children can click on to learn more about the designated topics. The categories include topics such as “Are jellyfish really fish?” and “Why do we need trees?” Each question and topic includes a brief and informative description.
Science Kids is a website full of science information, games, quizzes, and simple home experiments that children can perform with the help of a parent. This is also a great resource for teachers to pull unique science experiments and lesson plans that could be used in a classroom.
Wildlife Forever is a non-profit wildlife conservation and preservation program that has worked in every U.S. state for twenty five years now. Their website includes a section called Critter Cams where they provide links to video footage of various birds. The most popular video footage is of the live Bald Eagle Cam. From here, children can observe the animals in their natural habitats.
NASA’s Kids’ Club is a fun and interactive website for children to explore and learn about astronauts and space. The website features games, photos, satellite images, and much more in a safe and easy to operate layout for children to use. NASA also provides brief, personal biographies about astronauts from a space mission along with photos from their expedition.
With this website, children can choose between a wide range of topics ranging from Energy, Weather, Motion, Forces and Time, Diversity of Life, and more. With each of these topics, there are many different subtopics including important people that children can click on to receive more information about. This is a very child-friendly website with valuable information about science themes.
This website focuses specifically on inventions and the manufacturing process. It includes a unique website layout with collages of everyday objects. By clicking on different objects within the collages, a brief description of the product appears along with a video about its manufacturing process. This website provides children with information about the invention and manufacturing process of simple, everyday objects.
This website provides many different interactive and kid-friendly modules on science subjects such as food and nutrition, landforms, solar energy, and many more. Each module contains online activities that children can complete to learn more about the science topic. There are two different selections of modules. This link will direct you to the modules designed for children in grades three through six. There are also modules for children in Kindergarten through second grade.

And last but not least, based on the popular children’s show ZOOM this website provides children with all of the experiments and activities from the show plus even more! The activities are easy for children to conduct and are all related to different fields of science.
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